Q1 Describe one piece of documentation that would be appropriate to include with or in your program. Describe the intended purpose of this documentation by identifying who would use it and what they would do with it.

  • My program is a baking game with a variety of different features which include a friend request system, a shop, a leader board, and a multitude of ways to obtain points. However, not all of these concepts/features may be intuitive to the broader audience of people that may want to play this game. Some sort of documentation of all of the features and how the game mechanics work could prove useful for the users so they can play the game to its fullest. As for the users, this game is meant to have a fairly broad target audience, for people of all ages that enjoy games and/or baking.


Personalized Project Reference

(a) Consider the first iteration statement included in the Procedure section of your Personalized Project Reference. Describe the condition(s) that will cause the body of the iteration statement to execute at least once.

(c) Consider the list identified in the List section of your Personalized Project Reference. Explain how you would need to adjust this part of your program if the list was not included in your code.