
  • I scored a 62/67


Throughout this trimester, my academic journey has been characterized by notable progress, especially when compared to my previous quiz score that stood at 50 out of 67. The recent sprint has been a pivotal period marked by collaborative endeavors with my peers and the consistent application of team teaching methods. These collaborative efforts have proven to be instrumental in not only reinforcing my existing understanding but also in expanding the breadth of my knowledge.

A significant highlight of this trimester has been our collective exploration of the intricate topic of computer bias. Engaging in discussions, group analyses, and collaborative presentations has not only broadened my perspective but has also deepened my understanding of the ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence. Teaching this subject collectively with my peers added a unique dimension to the learning process, as it required a comprehensive understanding to effectively communicate the nuances of the topic. This experience has not only enriched my understanding but has also instilled in me a heightened awareness of the ethical implications associated with technology.

As the trimester unfolds, I find myself eagerly anticipating the upcoming sprint, which is slated to delve into the realms of HTML and Java. The prospect of teaching these subjects aligns seamlessly with my fervent interest in delving deeper into the intricacies of web development and programming. The opportunity to engage with HTML and Java on both a learning and teaching level is an exciting prospect, offering the potential for further growth and mastery in these domains. I look forward to immersing myself in the challenges and discoveries that teaching these subjects will undoubtedly bring, confident that the experience will contribute significantly to my academic and professional development.

Corrections and Learning

  • Q37

    I got this question wrong because I was unable to properly visualize the code. The points that I picked connected to points that didn’t correspond to the image. The should have been A for this reason. In the future I might try different strategies such as writing/drawing the result of the code to visualize the problems better.


  • Q56

    After careful reflection over this problem I realize why C was not correct. The reason is because Version I calls the GetPrediction procedure once for each element in the idList, however Version II calls GetPrediction twice for each element in the list and one at the end. This leads a 5 minute longer execution time compared to Version I.

  • Q62

    Answer D was incorrect because both x and y would have to be true in order for it to display because of the AND operator. This was a oversight on my part which is why the correct answer should have been A and B, using the “IF x” statement and “IF x OR y” statement.

  • Q65

    I realize that D was incorrect because eventually it would concatenate “lope” and “jacka” resulting in “lopejacka” being stored into the animal variable.

  • Q67

    D was incorrect because it would return the intended value of 0 since there is no instance of spruce in the list. This serves as another reminder for me to more carefully assess the elements within the context of the problem.

    Overall learning:

  • During the quiz I ended up researching some problems and one that really stuck out to me were the questions on internet protocols. I also learned the importance of being able to visualize/write out these problems to make it easier to comprehend, in some instances it was difficult to track the logic of certain problems due to the number of loops/repeats.Though we touched on it in some of the team teaches, I was curious to investigate some of the background on TCP and IP and how they work. I was reminded of the protocols in question 57 when they asked for the purposes of Internet protocols. I am curious to see how to secure these protocols and the implementation process of them.


    Upon my initial attempt, I selected answer D, believing that Version II required approximately 5 more minutes to execute than Version I. However, this choice was inaccurate, and the correct answer was C.

The key distinction lies in the fact that Version I calls the GetPrediction procedure once for each element in the idList, while Version II calls GetPrediction twice for each element in idList (and one additional time at the end). This additional computational load in Version II leads to a longer execution time compared to Version I.

Reflecting on this mistake, I now recognize the importance of carefully analyzing the code logic and understanding the implications of each operation on the overall execution time. This experience emphasizes the significance of thorough comprehension and precise interpretation of code structures when making comparisons or predictions about program efficiency.


  • Reflecting on this quiz, it serves as a pretty big milestone for my progress as it is a significant improvement to my previous assessments.
  • The depth of my learning, particularly grasping these concepts has owes a lot to the past team teaching and their collaborative nature. Engaging with my peers has proven to greatly improve my ability to absorb the knowledge more comprehensively and looking forward, the next set of teachings with its emphasis on hands-on coding is really exciting.
  • However, the quiz still reflected some gaps in my knowledge and ability to visualize certain coding concepts/algorithms. There is lots of room for improvement in these areas and I plan to fill these gaps by reviewing the topics I struggled with the most on the MCQ. Furthermore, I would like to improve my knowledge with algorithms by reviewing the resources provided such as the college board videos or doing problems separately on websites such as LeetCode.