Role on Passion Project
- DevOps
- Frontend
Favorite Commits
These are some of my favorite commits are for interaction between the frontend and the backend
Updating player object throughout the game
What I want to improve
- Ability to load progress after closing the tab
- Error with upgrade screen
- make the settings option do something
- Make the character image during the boss battle change
- Change the cmd logic
- Duck DNS super unreliable
- When redeploying on AWS very weird -> certificate
- Error with getting the class selected in character customization
- Constructing a post request with fetch
- No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
- Fix was in backend where I needed to enable CORS in
- Needed to set mode to CORS in frontend
- Nifty trick: user localStorage to store data so that it can be accessed later
Future Plans For Individual
- Theme that changes every time you load on to individual website
- Add a scrum board to individual to make things easier
Currently Use Trello & github issues, want to make the plans a scrum board:
College Board Quiz Notes
I didn’t know what citizen science was, but now I know that it is when citizens help out with research. The correct answer would be C, because it enables a larger number of people to participate, regardless of their location, so there could be more data.
Unsolvable problems can’t be solved with algorithms, however, algorithms can help with the debugging process. For example, if I want to iteratively print an output to see where an output is incorrect.
There are multiple other pathways to get to S, however there is only one pathway to get to S in option B. Therefore, it is not redundant.
Lossy transformation is when the encoded string can be restored to its original version. Since you can find the original version from a byte encoded message by replacing all the % with TH and # with IS, it is a lossless transformation.
The option that I selected can be shortened because there are multiple instances of the same pair of letters(e.g ME). However, in option B, the correct answer, there are no repeated instances of the same two characters.
The option I selected was incorrect because the Move_Forward procedure was inside the CAN_MOVE(right) check, so the robot would never move forward
The correct answer is A because if A and B are different values then the AND statement will return false. If both C and D are false, then the OR statement will return false. At the final operator neither of the arguments would be true so the OR operator would return false.
The algorithm actually runs in reasonable time because each time, n is being squared. It isn’t doing anything else other than squaring the number of items, so it runs in reasonable time.
Only two would create an overflow error. If the program is only alloted 4 bits that means it covers values between 0 and 2^4-1. 7+10 is greater than that values so it would return an overflow error.
The option I chose was incorrect because it would evaluate to false when P and Q are different in value. The NAND gate should only be false when both inputs are true.
The option I chose is incorrect because it is not possible to create an algorithm to solve the undecidable problem for every possible program and input.
I got it incorrect because the recipient’s private key is required to decrypt the message in public cryptography.
I got the question wrong because linear search can work without a sorted list. Since it just iterates through and checks if the target and current value are equal to each other.
I misunderstood what the parameters are for the Substring procedure. The answer is B because the substring goes from H to two characters later which would be A. For Puppy it would start at character three then go three characters later
I was incorrect because redundancy could act as a backup to ensure video files are not lost. The answer would be B because the full-quality original versions of videos would be lost if lossy compression is used.
The answer would be to have a larger number of perspectives reflected in encyclopedia content because user’s can edit articles and provide input across the web.
Some of my best memories this trimester were staying up the night before and finishing up our project before the live review. There would always be lots of fun bugs that we would have to google/chatgpt to fix, but the end result was always worth it. The most satisfying moment for me personally was when I got the PUT request working. I was so relieved after solving the CORS error and seeing the console message “PUT request successful”. Probably the most rewarding experience for me the entire tri. Throughout this trimester I gained lots of experience with objects, especially during the passion project which required us to make a player object that would have stats. Since I was DevOps, I also had to check out the backend and how it worked, so I gained experience with classes there as well. I learned the importance of comments when I had to chatgpt a ton of the backend to understand it, and when it was a nightmare to look for code in the frontend. In the future, I want to gain more experience with problem-solving algorithms and data structures like binary trees. Individual lessons were also pretty cool beans.