College Board MCQ Corrections

Question 66

Question 66

Option C does not work because if the points awarded is greater than 60 it may award the correct amount of points initially, however, by the second if statement, 1000 bonus points are awarded because it still fulfills the second if statement since 60 is greater than 30. In the future I plan to be more methodical with each question going line by line by writing out the possible outputs.

Question 70


It doesn’t make sense for Option D to be an option because in the concatenation step it would add the “new string” at the beginning, however it should be added at the end.This question specifically had a lot more parts to it and I found myself rushing through it rather than methodically going through the problem.


  • Overall I found improvements on this college board quiz. However, after working, ideating, and collaborating on topics such as crowd sourcing I found myself a lot less confused for many of the problems. There is still lots of room for improvement to be made, but I feel much more confident on the material after this quiz.