- A Boolean value is either true or false.
- A Boolean expression produces a Boolean value (true or false) when evaluated.
Conditional ("if") statements
- Affect the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a Boolean expression.
IF (condition)
<block of statements>
The code in <block of statements> is executed if the Boolean expression condition evaluates to true; no action is taken if condition evaluates to false.
IF (condition)
<block of statements>
<second block of statements>
The code in the first <block of statements> is executed if the Boolean expression condition evaluates to true; otherwise, the code in <second block of statements> is executed.
Cell In[2], line 3
<block of statements>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Example: Calculate the sum of 2 numbers. If the sum is greater than 10, display 10; otherwise, display the sum.
num1 = INPUT
num2 = INPUT
sum = num1 + num2
IF (sum > 10)
Hack 1
Add a variable that represents an age.
Add an ‘if’ and ‘print’ function that says “You are an adult” if your age is greater than or equal to 18.
Make a function that prints “You are a minor” with the else function.
age = 19
if age > 18:
print("you are an adult")
print("you are a minor")
you are an adult
Relational operators:
- Used to test the relationship between 2 variables, expressions, or values. These relational operators are used for comparisons and they evaluate to a Boolean value (true or false).
Ex. a == b evaluates to true if a and b are equal, otherwise evaluates to false
- a == b (equals)
- a != b (not equal to)
- a > b (greater than)
- a < b (less than)
- a >= b (greater than or equal to)
- a <= b (less than or equal to)
Example: The legal age to work in California is 14 years old. How would we write a Boolean expression to check if someone is at least 14 years old?
age >= 14
Example: Write a Boolean expression to check if the average of height1, height2, and height3 is at least 65 inches.
(height1 + height2 + height3) / 3 >= 65
Hack 2
Make a variable called ‘is_raining’ and set it to ‘True”.
Make an if statement that prints “Bring an umbrella!” if it is true
Make an else statement that says “The weather is clear”.
is_raining = True
if is_raining == True:
print("bring an umbrella")
print("The weather is clear")
bring an umbrella
Logical operators:
Used to evaluate multiple conditions to produce a single Boolean value.
- NOT evaluates to true if condition is false, otherwise evaluates to false
- AND evaluates to true if both conditions are true, otherwise evaluates to false
- OR evaluates to true if either condition is true or if both conditions are true, otherwise evaluates to false
Example: You win the game if you score at least 10 points and have 5 lives left or if you score at least 50 points and have more than 0 lives left. Write the Boolean expression for this scenario.
(score >= 10 AND lives == 5) OR (score == 50 AND lives > 0)
Relational and logical operators:
Example: These expressions are all different but will produce the same result.
- age >= 16
- age > 16 OR age == 16
- NOT age < 16
Hack 3
Make a function to randomize numbers between 0 and 100 to be assigned to variables a and b using random.randint
Print the values of the variables
Print the relationship of the variables; a is more than, same as, or less than b
import random
num1 = random.randint(0,101)
num2 = random.randint(0,101)
print(f"a={num1}, b={num2}")
if num1 == num2:
elif num1 > num2:
print("a is greater than b")
elif num1 < num2:
print("a is less than b")
a=57, b=57
Criteria for above 90%:
- Add more questions relating to Boolean rather than only one per topic (ideas: expand on conditional statements, relational/logical operators)
- Add a way to organize the user scores (possibly some kind of leaderboard, keep track of high score vs. current score, etc. Get creative!)
- Remember to test your code to make sure it functions correctly.
# The quiz contains questions related to Boolean values, Boolean expressions,
# conditional statements, relational operators, and logical operators.
# Import necessary modules
import getpass # Module to get the user's name
import sys # Module to access system-related information
global score
score = 0
questions = 5
scores = []
# Function to ask a question and get a response
def question_with_response(prompt, answer,feedbackCorrect, feedbackIncorrect):
# Print the question
global score
# Get user input as the response
msg = input("Question: " + prompt)
if msg == answer:
score += 1
return score
#boolean basics
def Quiz():
question_with_response("What are the two possible values of a Boolean Variable? Put your answers in alphabetical order with a comma between the answers no spaces.","false,true","GREAT JOB!","Incorrect, variables can have either true or false as their values.")
question_with_response("Is the number 0 considered 'true' AND 'false' in Boolean logic", "no","YES! Good job. you get a carrot: ^", "Incorrect. In boolean logic, 0 is considered 'false', while any non-zero number is considered 'true'")
#boolean expressions
question_with_response("Is this a boolean expression? a>b?",'yes','CORRECT!','Incorrect. It is a comparison of two values, a and b and it evaluates to either true or false.')
# Define the number of questions and initialize the correct answers
# Question 2: Boolean Expressions
# Ask a question about Boolean expressions and their importance in programming
# Provide feedback based on the correctness of the response
# Question 3: Conditional Statements
# Ask a question about the purpose of conditional (if-else) statements in programming
# Provide feedback based on the correctness of the response
question_with_response("Affect the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a _____ expression.",'boolean','GOOD JOB!', 'Incorrect. The if statement is extremely helpful because it can help us create responses to different scenarios.')
# Question 4: Relational Operators
# Ask a question about common relational operators in programming and provide examples
# Provide feedback based on the correctness of the response
question_with_response("Name 3 common relational operators",">,<,==","GOod job you're on a roll","Incorrect. Relational operators are used for comparison and they evaluate to a Boolean val.")
# Question 5: Logical Operators
# Ask a question about the use of logical operators in programming and provide examples
# Provide feedback based on the correctness of the response
operators = ['AND','NOT','OR']
logicalOperators = str(input("How are logical operators used in programming. Provide at least one example."))
if logicalOperators in operators:
global score
print('Good job. That is a logical operator')
score += 1
print('that is not a valid example of a logical operators')
# Display the final score
# Calculate the percentage of correct answers and provide feedback
# Personalized greeting message
Shrek says hello
satisfied = False
# Collect the student's name
while satisfied == False:
user_name = input("Enter your name: ")
print('Hello, ' + user_name + " running " + sys.executable)
print("You will be asked " + str(questions) + " questions.")
answer = input("Are you ready to take a test?")
print(user_name + ", you scored " + str(score) + "/" + str(questions))
score = 0
playAgain = str(input("Want to play again?"))
if playAgain == 'no':
satisfied = True
# Collects the highest score of all your attempts
print("Highest score: " + str(max(scores)))
Shrek says hello
Hello, Matthew running /bin/python3.11
You will be asked 5 questions.
Incorrect, variables can have either true or false as their values.
Incorrect. In boolean logic, 0 is considered 'false', while any non-zero number is considered 'true'
Incorrect. It is a comparison of two values, a and b and it evaluates to either true or false.
Incorrect. The if statement is extremely helpful because it can help us create responses to different scenarios.
Incorrect. Relational operators are used for comparison and they evaluate to a Boolean val.
that is not a valid example of a logical operators
Matthew, you scored 0/5
Highest score: 0